WebRTC SIP phone

Built in Odoo

In today's digital age, the tools we use for communication can make a significant difference in business efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. With the integration of WebRTC technology into Odoo, businesses now have access to a powerful communication tool that seamlessly blends with their existing workflows. Here's a deep dive into the benefits of using the WebRTC phone created in Odoo.

  • Unified Business Operations. Odoo's comprehensive suite of business applications, from CRM to sales, already offers a unified platform for various business operations. By integrating a WebRTC phone, businesses can now add real-time communication to this mix, ensuring that all operations, from sales pitches to customer support, are conducted on a single platform.
  • Cost-Effective Communication. WebRTC eliminates the need for expensive telephony hardware or dedicated communication infrastructure. Being browser-based, it allows businesses to set up a robust communication system without incurring hefty setup or maintenance costs.
  • Enhanced Customer Interactions. With the WebRTC phone's integration into Odoo, when a customer calls, their entire history and profile can be instantly accessed. This means businesses can offer personalized service, addressing customers by name, referencing past interactions, and providing solutions more efficiently.
  • Global Reach with Local Feel. WebRTC's internet-based nature ensures that businesses can communicate with clients or teams worldwide without worrying about international call charges. This global reach, combined with the personalized touch offered by Odoo's integrated customer profiles, ensures a local feel in every interaction.
  • Seamless Collaboration. Whether it's an internal team meeting or a call with a potential client, the WebRTC phone in Odoo supports features like call sharing, recording, and even real-time transcription. This ensures that all stakeholders can collaborate efficiently, with all necessary information at their fingertips.
  • Secure Communications. WebRTC inherently supports end-to-end encryption, ensuring that all business communications, whether internal discussions or client calls, remain confidential and protected from potential eavesdropping.
  • Scalability and Flexibility. As businesses grow, their communication needs evolve. The WebRTC phone in Odoo is designed to scale, ensuring that whether you're a startup or a multinational corporation, the system can handle your communication needs. Plus, its compatibility with various SIP providers offers unmatched flexibility.
  • Streamlined Workflows. With features like click-to-call directly from a contact form or automatic ticket generation on incoming calls, the WebRTC phone ensures that Odoo's already efficient workflows are further optimized, reducing manual tasks and boosting productivity.

The integration of a WebRTC phone in Odoo is not just a technological upgrade; it's a paradigm shift in business communication. By combining the real-time, global capabilities of WebRTC with Odoo's comprehensive business suite, companies are equipped with a tool that enhances efficiency, boosts customer satisfaction, and ensures secure, cost-effective communication. In a world where every business interaction counts, this integration is a game-changer.